Saturday, August 31, 2019

Design of Organizational Control Mechanisms Essay

Problem: When a team of individuals produce a single output the problem arises on how to contribute the reward so that every individual is equally rewarded. This article examines three different mechanisms to deal with this issue: 1.Markets Markets deals with the control problem through precise measurement and reward of individual contributions. 2.Bureaucrats Bureaucrats rely on a mixture of close evaluation with socialized acceptance of common objectives. 3.Clans Clans rely on a relatively complete socialization process which effectively eliminates goal incongruence between individuals. Introduction: Controls (by Tannenbaum)=sum of interpersonal influence relations in an organization Controls (Ezioni)= control is equivalent to power Controls (Weber)= a problem in creating and monitoring rules through a hierarchical authority system Main questions in article: 1) What are the mechanisms through which an organization can be managed so that it moves towards its objectives? 2) How can the design of these mechanisms be improved, what are the limits of each design? An example: The parts supply division Purchasing department: buys 100.000 items (p.a.) from 3.000 suppliers purchased by 22 employees on 3 management levels. † †¢Purchasing officer – send out request to 3 manufacturers and adds information on reliability,†¦ and the order †¢Supervisor – Consults agents if they need help and reminds workers that they are not allowed to accept presents Warehousing operations: 1.400 employees (incl. 150 manager) †¢Pickers and packers (worker) †¢Supervisor (manager) – Formal authority (written rules) – Informal authority (personality) Three mechanisms: 1.Market mechanism –> purchasing function Agents and supervisory employ market mechanism: to minimize cost for the company by picking the best price on the markets. In a market prices convey all of the information necessary for efficient decision-making. Frictionless market: Prices represent exactly the value of good or service. Therefore reward can be contributed in direct proportion to contribution of employee! Agents and supervisory are subject to bureaucratic mechanisms: Their work is controlled by a set of bureaucratic surveillance controls (performance evaluation, hierarchical oder-giving) 2.Bureaucratic mechanism –> warehousing function Warehousing is subject to routines of monitoring and directing. This is done by close personal surveillance and direction of subordinates by superiors, based on a set of rules. Rules vs. price: Rules are arbitrary (beliebige) standards without comparison, based on assigned values of (successful) actions. Prices imply that a comparison has already taken place. Prices are far more efficient means of controlling transactions than are rules. However, the conditions necessary for frictionless prices can rarely be met, and in such conditions the bureaucratic form, despite its inadequacies, is preferred. 3.Informal social / clan mechanism Supervisors can rely on bureaucratic mechanisms but this requires surveillance which is associated with costs. But when the supervisor knows that his workers achieve the â€Å"right† objectives, he can eliminate many of the costly forms of audition and surveillance. Social and informational prerequisites of control The three models can be arranged along two dimensions: 1.Informational requirements =prerequisite to successful operation 2.Social underpinnings = Set of agreements between people, as a bare minimum, is basis for control Type of controlSocial requirementsInformational requirements MarketsNorm of Reciprocity (Wechselwirkung) Prices BureaucracyNorm of Reciprocity Legitimate authorityRules ClanNorm of Reciprocity Legitimate authority Shared values, beliefsTraditions The informational prerequisite of control: While a Clan is the most demanding and the Market the least demanding with respect to social underpinnings, the opposite is true when it comes to information. Within large organizations departments tend to develop own jargon in which complex information is easily transported. Each system carries information on how to behave: †¢Explicit system: accounting system – easily accessible by newcomer (system is created) †¢Implicit system: is far less complete in its ability to convey information. e.g. US Senate – need years to understand flow of information (systems â€Å"grow up†) Companies attempting to control the organization through a price (=market) mechanism use â€Å"transfer prices† to represent prices of internal performances. The advantage should be obtained by using the best prices within the firm. Organizations can also create an explicit set of rules (behavior as well as production and output) that will cover every situation and therefore cut the information problem down by using rules that will cover 90% of all events and depending upon hierarchical authority to settle the remaining 10%. Again legitimate authority is critical to bureaucracy. In a Clan the information is contained in the rituals, stories and ceremonies. So to say the information system does not require a information system, it’s just there. For example Chinese-American Hui: conducts business as venture capital lender but they also enter risky businesses and even the repayments are left open. Entry is only granted by birthright, a practice that guarantees that every member is part in the same social network and therefore behave to the same rules and principles. While the Market and Clan are both specialized approaches it is the Bureaucratic which is the system that is most flexible. Of course, under certain circumstance both the Market and Clan approach will deliver better results but the Bureaucratic can withstand high rates of turnover, a high degree of heterogeneity and it does not have very demanding informational needs. Designing Control Mechanisms: Costs and Benefits Two ways of effective people control: 1. Find people that fit needs exactely 2. find people that don’t fit exactly but use a managerial system to instruct, monitor and evaluate them Best approach depends on costs. Ad 1. is associated with costs and search and acquisitions but their skills will help to reduce costs in the long-run. Ad 2. includes trainings costs and a the costs for the supervisory system but reduces high turnover. Search and select ‘clan-type’ people: Cost of Search and Acquisition: High Wages Benefit: Perform tasks without instruction, work hard Instruct people into the ‘clan’ system: Cost of training: instruct, monitor, and evaluate unskilled workers (who are likely to be indifferent to learn organization skills and values). High rates of turnover. Costs of monitoring: developing rules, supervising. Benefit: heterogeneous system of people that can be controlled. Explicit rules (codified knowledge) offset turnover costs. Loose coupling and The Clan as a Form of Control New view with impact on designing control mechanisms. The ability to measure either output or behavior which is relevant to the desired performance is critical to the â€Å"rational† application of market or bureaucratic forms of control. Knowledge of transformation process: Tin Can plant: If we understand the technology (e.g. production process and what it takes for a successful production) perfectly, we can achieve effective control by setting rules that lead to behavior and processes that lead to our desired transformation steps. Thus, we can create an effective bureaucratic control mechanism. Women’s boutique: On the other hand, if we don’t understand what is needed (e.g. control system for women’s boutique) to be a successful buyer or merchandiser, we can’t create rules. But we can measure output (turnover per buyer, salex volumes,†¦). So we can use the output control mechanism to monitor various indicators and set actions accordingly. Apollo Program: Each step of the transformation (assembling) is crystal clear and we have a output measure (it comes back or not). Thus we have the choice and the lower cost alternative will be preferred: clearly as the cost of failure would be prohibitive (untragbar) and more elaborate behavior control system will be installed. Reseach Lab: We have the ability to define the rules of behavior and we can measure the output which will be some 10 years in the future. Certainly a strong output control system will be used but effectively this cannot guarantee success – so neither behavior nor output measurement will be sufficient, leaving us with no rational form of control. Therefore such organizations rely on ritualized, ceremonial forms of controls. This approach only works with the recruitment of a selected few individuals, with the same schooling and professionalization process. Another organizations using this form: Hospitals, Investement banks, †¦ Whereas output and behavior control can be implemented through a market or bureaucracy, ceremonial forms of control can be implemented through a clan. Closing observations Depending on the organization and its requirements it has to be choosen which control systems works best. E.g.: manufacturing: behavior and output control vs. service org.: cultural or clan controls. Nevertheless every control system is directed at achieving cooperation by: †¢Market mechanism: each person’s contribution is evaluated; combined with a personal loss of reward †¢Clan mechanism: attain cooperation by selecting and sozialising individuals such that their objectives overlap with the organization’s objectives †¢Bureaucratic mechanism: does a little of each, partly evaluates performance and partly engenders feelings of commitment to the idea of legitimate authority in hierarchies Two main questions: 1. Clarity with which the performance can be assessed 2. Degree of goal incongruence (either trust each other or control each other)

Friday, August 30, 2019

My Ambition Essay

My ambition in life has always kept changing frequently, like as a dancer, as an artist, a writer or a doctor since I like biology . But I have realized that by just liking something that is related to it cannot assure someone to become that. Every ambition has so many fields to look through to achieve. One may not be successful in all the related paths but can be in at least a few. But now I feel its time for me to have a particular goal to reach. I don’t want to be focused completely on it but also want to be flexible at the same time. At home my father always dreams of me becoming a scientist like him, for that’s natural. But if anyone asks me now, about my ambition, may be it’s for sure I would like to tell I would become a scientist. This is not because my family wants it or because of their view, it’s because I have seen how life changes with a job like this. I always think of doing something different from others so that I am being recognized and also to do something new and worthy. A scientist lives with all reality. There is nothing better. I would love to work for the country’s development and to retain its prestige. As far as I have seen, I know that a scientist job would do better for me to do this. I don’t want to be just a scientist but also a researcher. A work becomes a research when one does something which is not known to the person doing which brings out wonders. I would like to learn every moment rather to do what others have done. It may be a hard job to do, but I like being complex. I want to work with others view to improve or invent something that is needed by the world. On a daily basis, I see my father’s work as a scientist or as a researcher discovering something that is unusual. Every day becomes a day to solve problems This very much surprises me . It also won’t be wrong to say that his works, deep involvement, seriousness, ect have actually put an impact on me. I would rather say, he has influenced me to carve out my future. I now dream to get into the field of my father and would put in a complete contribution to achieve my goal, by also having a complete support from my family . By becoming a scientist I will not only fulfill my parents dream but also can fulfill my wishes to live in my own way, with my own ideas like a free bird. I also wish to become a role modal to the rest of the world. The value of achievement lies in achieving. But at the same time I remember that it needs lot of work from now, only then can I turn a dream into reality. Sincere hard work always fetches. It may not just be a proud moment for me, but also for my parents and for my country. The will to succeed can overcome greatest adversity. So, my ambition to become a scientist begins or has already begun.

A Description of Analytic Psychology

Advanced Counselling Skills Level 4 Assignment 0ne 1. Briefly describe Analytic Psychology www. jungclub-london. org C. G. Jung Analytical Psychology Club London. â€Å"Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakens,† The term ‘psychoanalyst' is currently used to cover all those facts and theories presented in the works of Freud, Jung, and Adler. However it is often recommended that it should be applied only to the theory and practice of Freud and his disciples, and that the theory and practice of Jung should be designated ‘Analytical Psychology', and that the theory and practice of Adler should be designated ‘Individual Psychology'.Psychoanalysis' in this broader sense covers both a set of theories and a set of practices. Analytic psychology is the analysis of the human mind, psyche and the unconscious, as well as the conscious components of the mind. It is thought that man's behaviour and his conscious states can be explained only by unconscious sourc es of motivation. What is common in the practice of the psychoanalytic schools is the use of special techniques for bringing these unconscious factors into light. The practice of psychoanalysis has grown out of the treatment of mental illness.In one sense, the practice of psychoanalysis is prior to the theories, since the theories first were developed from experiences from therapeutic practice. These theories have, however, been extended and enriched by material derived from other sources. Jung believed that the mind could be divided into unconscious and conscious parts. He felt that the unconscious mind was made up of layers. The personal unconscious is the part of the unconscious mind in which is stored each person's unique personal experiences and memories that may not be consciously remembered.Jung believed that the contents of each person's personal unconscious are organized in terms of complexes – clusters of emotional unconscious thoughts. One may have a complex toward s their mother or towards their partner. Jung referred to the second layer of unconsciousness as the collective unconscious. This level contains memories and behavioural predisposition's that all people have inherited from common ancestors in the distant human past, providing us with essentially shared memories and tendencies.People across space and time tend to interpret and use experience in similar ways because of â€Å"archetypes† – universal, inherited human tendencies to perceive and act in certain ways. During analytic therapy, Jung may use certain archetypes to explain person’s unconscious thoughts that in turn affect their outward behaviour. He believed that there are certain archetypes that are important in people's lives. These archetypes are as follows. The persona archetype is the part of our personality that we show the world, the part that we are willing to share with others.The shadow archetype is the darker part of a person, the part that embrac es what we view as frightening, hateful and even evil about ourselves – the part of us that we hide not only from others but also from ourselves. The anima is the feminine side of a mans personality, which shows tenderness, caring, compassion and warmth to others, yet which is more irrational and based on emotions. The animus is the masculine side of a woman's personality, the more rational and logical side of the woman.Jung posited that men often try to hide their anima both from others and from themselves because it goes against their idealized image of what men should be. According to Jung, archetypes play a role in our interpersonal relationships. For example, the relationship between a man and a woman calls into play the archetypes in each individual's collective unconscious. The anima helps the man to understand his female companion, just as the animus helps the woman to understand her male partners.Jung felt that the â€Å"self† – the whole of the persona lity, including both conscious and unconscious elements – strives for unity among the opposing parts of the personality. Jung distinguishes two differing attitudes to life, two ways of reacting to circumstances, which he finds so widespread that he could describe them as typical. The extraverted attitude, characterized by an outward personality, an interest in events, in people and things, a relationship with them, and a dependence on them. This type is motivated by outside factors and greatly influenced by the environment.The extraverted type is sociable and confident in unfamiliar surroundings. He or she is generally on good terms with the world, and even when disagreeing with it can still be described as related to it, for instead of withdrawing (as the opposite type tends to do) they prefer to argue and quarrel, or try to reshape it according to their own pattern. The introverted attitude, in contrast, is one of withdrawal of the personality and is concentrated upon perso nal factors, and their main influence is ‘inner needs'. When this attitude is habitual Jung speaks of an ‘introverted type'.This type lacks confidence in relation to people and things, tends to be unsociable, and prefers reflection to activity. Jung uses the term Analytical Psychology to describe his own approach, which is not only a way of healing, but also of developing the personality through the individuation process. Since individuation is not the goal of all who seek psychological help he varies his treatment according to the age, state of development, and temperament of his patients ‘ and does not neglect either the sexual urge or the will to power. 2. What were the life stages identified by Freud: ww. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud â€Å"At that time, the eel life cycle was unknown and Freud spent four weeks at the which he frequently demonstrated with patients on stage in front of an audience† Famed originator of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud crea ted a psychosexual model of human development based upon the erogenous zones of the body. He believed that as these zones matured neurologically, they activated the emotional world of the child (largely resident in the unconscious), and in the course of doing so, created the basis for later emotional health or mental illness in adulthood.The stages are as follows: Oral Stage of Psychosexual Development (ages 0-18 months) – At this stage, the infant is focused upon getting pleasure from its mouth, especially through breastfeeding, which may be a source of satisfaction or frustration for the baby. Anal Stage of Psychosexual Development (18 months – 3 1/2 years) – At this stage, the young child is fixated upon its own process of eliminating faeces, experiencing pleasure in the anal regions of the body, and reacting emotionally to attempts by parents or other caregivers to control this physical function through toilet training.Phallic Stage of Psychosexual Developme nt (3 1/2 years – 6 years) – At this stage, the penis or vagina is the source of erotic satisfaction for the child, and he or she fantasizes about getting pelvic pleasure with the opposite sex parent and aggressively doing away with the same sex parent (the Oedipal Crisis). Latency Stage of Psychosexual Development (6 years – puberty) – At this stage, the emotional surges of the previous three stages go into hiding for a few years as the child learns how to repress, project, introject, sublimate, and in other ways channel the psychosexual energies of their earlier development.Of Psychosexual Development (puberty – adulthood) – At this stage, the psychosexual instincts of the first three stages of development reassert themselves at puberty, but instead of being directed toward fantasy or the child's own body, are directed Genital Stage outward toward a genuine love relationship focused on heterosexual genital sex. The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally.A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious. In Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality, the conscious mind includes everything that is inside of our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about in a rational way. The conscious mind includes such things as the sensations, perceptions, memories, feeling and fantasies inside of our current awareness.Closely allied with the conscious mind is the preconscious, which includes the things that we are not thinking of at the moment but which we can easily draw into conscious awareness the unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.In Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behaviour and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences. The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth.This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and primitive behaviours. According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality. The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension. For example, an increase in hunger or thirst should produce an immediate attempt to eat or drink.The id is very important early in life, because it ensures that an infant's needs are met. If the infant is hungry or uncomfortable, he or she will cry until the demands of the id are met. However, immediately satisfying these needs is not always realistic or even possible. If we were ruled entirely by the pleasure principle, we might find ourselves grabbing things we want out of other people's hands to satisfy our own cravings. This sort of behaviour would be both disruptive and socially unacceptable.According to Freud, the id tries to resolve the tension created by the pleasure principle through the primary process, which involves forming a mental image of the desired object as a way of satisfying the need. The ego is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. The ego functions in the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind.The ego operates based on the reality principle, which strives to satisfy the id's desires in realistic and socially appropriate ways. The reality principle weighs the costs and benefits of an action before deciding to act upon or abandon impulses. In many cases, the id's impulses can be satisfied through a process of delayed gratification–the ego will eventually allow the behaviour, but only in the appropriate time and place. The ego also discharges tension created by unmet impulses through the secondary process, in which the ego tries to find an object in the real world that matches the mental image created by the id's primary process.The last component of personality to develop is the superego. The superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalised moral standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and society–our sense of right and wrong. The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. According to Freud, the superego begins to emerge at around age five. There are two parts of the superego: The ego ideal includes the rules and standards for good behaviours. These behaviours include those, which are approved of by parental and other authority figures.Obeying these rules leads to feelings of pride, value and accomplishment. The conscience includes information about things that are viewed as bad by parents and society. These behaviours are often forbidden and lead to bad consequences, punishments or feelings of guilt and remorse. The superego acts to perfect and civilize our behaviour. It works to suppress all unacceptable urges of the id and struggles to make the ego act upon idealistic standards rather that upon realistic principles. The superego is present in the conscious, preconscious and unconscious.With so many competing forces, it is easy to see how conflict might arise between the id, ego and superego. Freud used the term ego strength to refer to the ego's ability to function despite these duelling forces. A person with good ego strength is able to effectively manage these pressures, while those with too much or too little ego strength can become too unyielding or too disrupting. According to Freud, the key to a healthy personality is a balance between the id, the ego, and the superego. The term got its start in psychoanalytic therapy, but it has slowly worked its way into everyday language.Think of the last time you referred to someone as being â€Å"in denial† or accused someone of â€Å"rationalizing. † Both of these examples refer to a type of defense mechanism. In Sigmund Freud's topographical model of personality, the ego is the aspect of personality that deals with reality. While doing this, the ego also has to cope with the conflicting demands of the id and the superego. The id seeks to fulfill all wants, needs and impulses while the superego tries to get the ego to actin an idealistic and moral manner.What happens when the ego cannot deal with the demands of our desires, the constraints of reality and our own moral standards? According to Freud, anxiety is an unpleasant inner state that people seek to avoid. Anxiety acts as a signal to the ego that things are not going right. Frued identified three types of anxiety:Neurotic anxiety is the unconscious worry that we will lose control of the id's urges, resulting in punishment for inappropriate behavior. Reality anxiety is fear of real-world events. The cause of this anxiety is usually easily identified.For example, a person might fear receiving a dog bite when they are near a menacing dog. The most common way of reducing this anxiety is to avoid the threatening o bject. Moral anxiety involves a fear of violating our own moral principles. In order to deal with this anxiety, Freud believed that defense mechanisms helped shield the ego from the conflicts created by the id, superego and reality. 3. what factors determine a person’s behaviour according to watson: â€Å"Behaviourism †¦ holds that the subject matter of human psychology is the behaviour of the human being.Behaviourism claims that consciousness is neither a definite nor a usable concept. The behaviourist †¦ holds, further, that belief in the existence of consciousness goes back to the ancient days of superstition and magic†¦. The great mass of people even today has not yet progressed very far away from savagery – it wants to believe in magic†¦. Almost every era has its new magic, black or white, and its new magician. Moses had his magic: he smote the rock and water gushed out. Christ had his magic: he turned water into wine and raised the dead to li fe†¦. Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. According to behaviorism, behavior can be studied in asystematic and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental states. There are two major types of conditioning:Classical conditioning is a technique used in behavioral training in which a naturally occurring stimulus is paired with a response. Next, a previously neutral stimulus is paired with the naturally occurring stimulus.Eventually, the previously neutral stimulus comes to evoke the response without the presence of the naturally occurring stimulus. The two elements are then known as the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. Operant conditioning Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishment s for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. Behaviourism holds that only observable behaviours should be studied, as cognition and mood are too subjective.According to behaviourist theory, our responses to environmental stimuli shape our behaviours. Important concepts such as classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and reinforcement have arisen from behaviourism. In operant conditioning, the learner is also rewarded with incentives, while classical conditioning involves no such enticements. Also remember that classical conditioning is passive on the part of the learner, while operant conditioning requires the learner to actively participate and perform some type of action in order to be rewarded or punished. . list 6 examples of metaneeds and metapathologies: www. oaks. nvg. org/abraham-maslow. html â€Å"Metaneeds and metapathologies. Another way that Maslow approaches the problem of self-actual ization is to talk about special, driving needs† The basic psychological needs are the instinctive needs for the self-respect and self-esteem which provide the conditions for psychological growth and full personality development. The most urgent or ‘prepotent' is the need for freedom from fear and anxiety i. . the need for safety or ‘security'. Security needs which includes the need to strive for   perfection or ‘ideals' is communicated through loving care and affection of ‘unconditional love' i. e. the need for ‘belongingness'. The sense of belongingness is the basis for approval of one's identity and expectations for oneself – faith in oneself as ‘self-respect' or ‘self-esteem' i. e. the ‘ego needs'. Gratification of ego needs establishes a natural condition of self-identity  or ‘healthy ego'.The healthy ego involves a high evaluation of the self based on faith in one's potentialities, recognition and appreciat ion of one's personal achievements, competence and confidence in the sense of importance of one's status. This basic sense of worthiness leads to the sense of purpose – ‘self-directedness' or ‘self-discipline' – which is prerequisite to ‘spiritual growth' of complete ‘personality development' of maturity i. e. ‘self-actualisation. Self-actualisation is mature growth which involves the harmonising of psychic forces i. . ‘growth motivation'. Metaneeds are human motivations for spiritual growth of the human organism as a social organism†¦ subconscious needs for awareness of human values for living: ‘social values' or ‘human values'  Metaneeds are instinctive needs of the human organism as a social organism which depends for survival on human solidarity and social cooperation. Metaneeds are the survival needs of creative   socialisation – the higher psychological needs for personality integration.The metaneeds are the so-called ‘higher spiritual needs' – the ‘Being needs' (‘B-needs') for self-transcendence – the needs for truth, morality, goodness, beauty, perfection, justice, kindness, happiness, serenity, wisdom, love simplicity, lawfulness, and ego-transcendance etc. The metaneeds are equally urgent or ‘potent' and each can be defined in terms of the others. In the process of normal psychological growth the subconscious B-needs rise to the conscious level of awareness as the human values for living – the ‘social values' i. e. ‘Being-values' or ‘B-values' i. e. ‘human values'.In the transcendental realm, the being needs become the ‘being-values'. They are just as biologically based as are the so-called ‘lower needs' – the   obviously physiological needs of hunger and thirst. The transcendant, religious, esthetic, and philosophical facets of life are as real and intrinsic to human nature as any oth er biological needs. Each of the human values represents a different facet of the development of ‘moral conciousness' or ‘conscience'. As the source of human values the functions to maintain the integration of personality while adapting to changes in the socal environment.Development of conscience depends on gratification of metaneeds in a process of ‘spiritual growth'. Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1954) stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfilment and change through personal growth. Maslow described self-actualized people as those who were fulfilled and doing all they were capable of. By studying people he considered to be self-actualised (including Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein and William James). Maslow identified 15 characteristics of a self-actualised person (illustrated as a pyramide).For example: enjoyment of new experiences, sense of humour, close friendships, creativity etc. It is not necessary to display all 15 characteristics to become self-actualised, and not only self-actualised people will display them. Maslow did not equate self-actualisation with perfection. Self-actualisation merely involves achieving ones potential. Thus someone can be silly, wasteful, vain and impolite, and still self-actualise. Less than one percent of the population achieve self-actualisation. The hierarchy of needs include: Biological and Physiological needs – air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.Safety needs – protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. Belongingness and Love needs – work group, family, affection, relationships, etc. Esteem needs – self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. Self-Actualisation needs – realising personal potential, self-fulfilment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. 5. Describe the theories of Carl Rogers. How do you think his work is relevant t o the counselling you will undertake with your clients? www. simplypsychology. org/carl-rogers. tml â€Å"Carl Rogers believed that humans have one basic motive, that is the tendency to †¦ Central to Rogers' personality theory is the notion of self or Self-Concept† Theory of Personality Development Rogers' therapy was an extension of his theory of personality development and was known as client-centred therapy, since the basis of the therapy was designed around the client. According to Rogers each person has within them the inherent tendency to continue to grow and develop. As a result of this the individual's self-esteem and self-actualisation is continually influenced.This development can only be achieved through what Rogers refers to as â€Å"unconditional positive regard. In order for an individual to experience total self-actualisation the therapist must express complete acceptance of the patient. Roger's found that this was best achieved through the method of â₠¬Å"reflection†, in which the therapist continually restates what the â€Å"patient† has said in an attempt to show complete acceptance and to allow the patient to recognize any negative feelings that they may be feeling. Throughout the counselling session the therapist may make small interruptive remarks in order to help identify certain factors.For the most part the â€Å"patient† is allowed to direct the course of the session. Rogers began to use the expression â€Å"client† instead of â€Å"patient† due to the fact that the individuals that he was counselling did need help but not within the same regard that a medically ill person does. These individuals do not need to completely surrender themselves to a medical expert although they do need help. Today throughout the field of psychology it is a worldwide practice to address the individual as a client instead of a patient.Eventually throughout its development Rogers theory began to be known as â €Å"people-centred† due to its expansion beyond psychotherapy to such areas as education, marriage, leadership, parent-child relationships, and the development of professional standards. Within each branch that Rogers theory expanded to there were several basic elements that were applied to each. They were as follows: The individual comes for help. This is the most significant step within the steps of therapy. The individual has taken it upon himself to take the first step for help even if he does not recognize this as the reason he's there.The helping situation is defined. The client is made aware that the counsellor does not have the answers, but that with assistance he can, work out his own solutions to his problems. . The counsellor encourages free expression of feelings in regard to the problem. The counsellor provides the client with a friendly, interested, and receptive attitude, which helps to bring about free expression. The counsellor accepts, recognizes, and clarif ies negative feelings. Whatever the negative feelings are the counsellor must say and do things, which helps the client recognize the negative feelings at hand.When the individual's negative feelings have been expressed they are followed by expressions of positive impulses, which make for growth. The counsellor accepts and recognizes the positive feelings in the same manner as the negative feelings. There is insight, understanding of the self, and acceptance of the self along with possible courses of actions. This is the next important aspect because it allows for new levels. Then comes the step of positive action along with the decreasing the need for help. When I am counselling I would use the following teniques: Active listening as a listener I would show much interest.As the listener I would reflect back to the client and only speak to find out if what they said has been correctly heard and understood. I would watch my Body language and take into account my facial expressions, a ngle of my body, proximity of myself to another, placement of arms and legs. I need to monitor the tone of your voice – in the same way that I monitor my body language. I believe that Carl Rogers core conditions I would use such as Empathic understanding I feel this is important when counselling to make sure the client are simply understood – not evaluated, not judged, simply understood from their own point of view.As the facilitator I am real person, being what I say I am, entering into a relationship with the client without presenting a front or a facade, the client is much more likely to be effective. Being real and genuine. This means that feelings that the client is experiencing are available, available to their awareness that I am able to live these feelings, be them, and able to communicate if appropriate. It means coming into a direct personal encounter with the client, meeting the client on a person-to-person basis.Like Carl Rogers I believe that client â€⠀œ centred therapy is for me because it is a non-directive approach is very appealing on the face of it to many clients, because they get to keep control over the content and pace of the therapy. It is intended to serve them, after all. The therapist isn't evaluating them in any way or trying to â€Å"figure them out†. 6. How is attachment theory relevant to counselling? Briefly describe the strange situation test and its importance in attachment theory: www. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Attachment_theory â€Å"Attachment theory describes the dynamics of long-term relationships between humans. Its most important tenet is that an infant needs to develop a relationship† The relationship between a counselor and client is the feelings and attitudes that a client and therapist have towards one another, and the manner in which those feelings and attitudes are expressedThe relationship may be thought of in three parts: transference/countertransference, working alliance, and the real- o r personal-relationship.Another theory about the function of the counseling relationship is known as the secure-base hypothesis, which is related to attachment theory. This hypothesis proposes that the counselor acts as a secure-base from which clients can explore and then check in with. Secure attachment to one's counselor and secure attachment in general have been found to be related to client exploration. Insecure attachment styles have been found to be related to less session depth than securely attached clients. The professional boundary defines the extent and limitations of the relationship with your client.It preserves your client’s confidentiality and creates a ‘safe space’ for your client to reveal and explore personal issues. Boundaries are signified by the temporal and spatial routines of the counseling process: regular appointment times, consistent length of sessions and a dedicated counseling room. Attachment theory describes the dynamics of long-ter m relationships between humans. Its most important tenet is that an infant needs to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for social and emotional development to occur normally.Attachment theory is an interdisciplinary study encompassing the fields of psychological, evolutionary, and ethological theory. Immediately after WWII, homeless and orphaned children presented many difficulties, and psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby was asked by the UN to write a pamphlet on the matter. Later he went on to formulate attachment theory. Infants become attached to adults who are sensitive and responsive in social interactions with them, and who remain as consistent caregivers for some months during the period from about six months to two years of age.When an infant begins to crawl and walk they begin to use attachment figures (familiar people) as a secure base to explore from and return to. Parental responses lead to the development of patterns of attachment; these, in turn, lead to internal working models which will guide the individual's perceptions, emotions, thoughts and expectations in later relationships. Separation anxiety or grief following the loss of an attachment figure is considered to be a normal and adaptive response for an attached infant. These behaviours may have evolved because they increase the probability of survival of the child.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Plan of Action Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Plan of Action - Term Paper Example Maria has misunderstood things here. She has put the blame upon the company on a totally different tangent altogether. There is no reason why she should be blaming the company for her poor communication skills and traits that she has been displaying over a period of time. She believes that she is being maltreated as there is a bias within the company but this is not something that has been pondered upon deeply by the people who are sitting within the helm of affairs in the company. Maria must know that any company within the business world exists to satisfy not only the customers but its internal publics as well, which comprise of its own employees who are the most prized possessions that these companies can ever have. When Maria says that the company is treating her in a shabby way, it is the bias which is reflected in her understanding and not the way in which work gets done within the domains of the organization in the long run (Kim 2002). What the company has to do in such a sett ing is to make Maria realize that she is in the wrong, and that she shall have to be treated fairly no matter what happens. However at the present, Maria has become disgruntled because she believes that she is being hard done by due to her color and Latin ancestry. The scenario could be avoided if the company took a more proactive approach and told Maria where she was lacking before announcing the promotions for the employees. This could have made the entire effort look genuine and there would not have been any resentment whatsoever.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Visual basic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Visual basic - Essay Example This is an instant messaging software that runs on the console. It supports very many networks such as yahoo, icq2000, jabber, as well as IRC. Are applications designed to run on forms? They are developed in thedotNET framework. Examples of this application include Dinner Now application, as well as another one for stock trading known as Stock Trader. The links to the screen shots of these applications are as follows: The other type of application is Outlook 2003. This is a very good example of windows form application. The screen shot is available at 2. The next example is the Climbing Game, which demonstrates how the keyboard and clicking interact with each other using JavaScript on adotNET page. 3. The other application type is Display Server Date and Time – this is an application, which displays a simple web page for retrieving used to retrieve time and date from web servers. It uses a HTTP Post for this function. This is a collection of libraries as well as interfaces in dotNET framework.These templates, which have already been coded and only have to be used together with other language components to develop a better complete system. The Library of Congress is a library that contains materials that remind people of the History of the United States of America. There are a lot of collections in the library divided in the form of categories such as Presidents of America, African American History and so on and so forth. The university of New Orleans online database contains catalogs, e-journals, and many other databases of books. Students and subscribers of the library for research purposes use it. The planning phase of this program involves finding

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Byzantine Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Byzantine Empire - Essay Example These books and codes were largely accepted in the East but failed to make substantial impact in the west and thus contributed to the divide which has started to rise. Justinian ambitiously tried to reconquer all the Western lands that Rome had lost to the barbarians. Justinian became the emperor in 527 and ruled until 565 and proved him to be an able ruler and he was in fact responsible for the rise of the Byzantine Empire and gave Eastern Rome a separate identity. It was his great reign which is considered to be the birth of the Byzantine Empire. Justinian successfully reconquered much of the territory that had fallen into barbarian hands. In the first phase of his projects, the entire north coast of Africa fell under Byzantine rule. Next he fought the Ostrogoths in Italy. But in 18 years of siege and counter-siege (535-553), Rome changed hands six times which means he stabilized the Eastern part but the Western part was falling which ultimately resulted in the lost of Roman identi ty and birth of the Byzantine Empire. The New Groups The wars were taking place and the barbarians were becoming powerful but at the same time new groups were also rising which included the Christians and the Muslims. The Christian priests were spreading the faith among the masses and Christianity was made the official region of the empire which meant that the Roman temples and Oracles were no more the centers of religion and the holy was now redefined and Churches were the place of worship now. Byzantium Defense Constantinople, the Byzantine capital city was the most important factor in the increasing the strength of the Empire since it was naturally protected against the invaders and could not be conquered with ease no matter how strong and advanced the invading army was. The high... Byzantine Empire Through the 4th century while the Roman Empire was still united there were two capitals following the political will of the same emperor. There was a split in the empire but the two states were not antagonistic to each other since they were a single empire on technical grounds but the series of events that took place in the 5th century lead to the collapse of the Western part while the Eastern part survived but was reduced to a medium sized empire which was more akin to the Persia than to Gaul. The East Held-back The diplomatic and political distances between the two parts of the empire were becoming more and more and the administrative and infrastructure crises in addition to the wars fueled the deteriorating situation. The war with the Visigoths was fought alone by the western wing of the empire and eastern wing instead of sending troops to defend the western borders strengthened its own capital. The infrastructure which was decaying on the western fronts was not repaired by the ea stern richer wing because they were no more concerned about the bridge between the two wings which was holding them together. Role of Justinian Emperor Justinian of the east is well-known for his efforts for driving away the barbarians and restoring glory to the Roman Empire. Another great effort by Justinian was the legislative initiatives he took. Thus the historians have legitimately renamed the Eastern Rome as Byzantine Empire because the Roman identity no more existed.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Language Learning, Bilingualism and Assimilation Research Paper

Language Learning, Bilingualism and Assimilation - Research Paper Example One of the major factors that has seen the growth of multilingualism, is the ease of access to information as made possible by the establishment and growing use of the Internet. Indeed people are today getting more exposed to a variety of languages which has in essenc also triggered the need to learn new languages. Some quarters have argued that the learning of second languages has is associated with assimilation. This paper will argue that the learning of a second language is not necessarily part of assimilation. In spite of the potential differences in meaning of the terms bilingual and multilingual and their derivatives, this paper will use the two interchangeably. Every human society or culture communicates to a large extent through spoken word. What this means that language has played and continues to play a major role in communication. One may wonder how much backward the world would be without language. Arguably, the world would have developed faster if all humans used the sam e language to communicate. Although this is not the case, it is evident that humans are trying to overcome communication barriers by learning new languages and cultures. Bilingualism has beome a ommon phenomenon with many countries introducing foreign languages in school curricular. The spoken or written word is today more appreciated that ever before especilly considering the effects of successful and unsuccessful negotiations. Indeed, the power of language and word is beyond desription. Multilingualism The definition of the term multilingual is subject to much debate. While some scholars argue that a multilingual person is one who can passively or actively ommunicate in a language different from their first language. Others however argue that a multilingual person must acquire a first language during childhood through formal education (Kaplan 12). There are cases where a person learns two languages simulteneously which essentially makes one a simulteneous bilingual. Yet again, oth er sholars argue that a multilingual speaker is one who can accurately communicate in a second language almost as much as they an speak in their native language or mother tongue. People learn different languages in different ways according to Wolff (11). While some may acquire a new language during childhood by interacting with people who speak the second language, others learn by attending formal education (The Linguistic Society of America 2). A child may learn to speak two languages if both their parents speak different languages or if their signifiant others consistently communicate with them in the second language. In the United States of America, for example, most bilingual people are either immigrants or hildren of immigrants as noted by Richard and Victor (67). It is common to find an American child speaking English while in school and their mother tongue when at home. This also applies to other countries. While people can also learn a new language in old age, it is a fact t hat it becomes more difficult to acquire the new language as much as a native speaker as age progresses. The learning of a new language depends to some extent on the similarity between the two languages. Languages that are cloely related or that have similar syntax are easier to learn compared to their counterparts. Yet again, second language learning depends to a great extent on the urrent knowledge and previous experience of the learner in relation to the new language. Advantages and Disadvantages of Multilingualism Although many people

Sunday, August 25, 2019

War on terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

War on terrorism - Essay Example Terrorism has been defined as the indiscriminate use of tactics like bombings, shootings, and kidnappings against unarmed civilians to achieve ideological and political goals. Terrorism traditionally was considered to be localized as a tactic used by insurgent or paramilitaryThe September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon changed the nature and threat of terrorism. The attacks of 9/11 brought a dangerous phenomenon by which small cells of determined religious and fundamentalistThe United States launched the â€Å"War on Terrorism† as a response to the events of 9/11. These operations were initiated and instigated with the purpose of smashing the command and control centers of insurgent groups, disrupt their logistics, wipe out their training camps and sanctuaries, kill or capture terrorist leaders and their followers. This research paper provides an in depth analysis and examination of the activities which have been launched as part of the war on terr orism. It also scrutinizes the shortcomings and defects of the policies initiated by the American government.Global terrorism fueled and instigated by Al Qaeda remains a potential threat to the security of the United States and its allies. Al Qaeda is the code name used for a number of Islamic fundamentalist organizations that seek to overthrow the pro Western governments in the Islamic World, liberate Palestine, and unite the Islamic world.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Classroom Instructional Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Classroom Instructional Strategy - Essay Example Student uses his thinking, learning, and practical skills to follow a course of study or a lesson plan that is being implemented by the teacher. The term teacher's pedagogy is used to refer to the different teaching methods that a teacher will use. When a teacher determines the method of instructions there are a number of factors he or she has to consider these are: Another important aspect is the teacher's ability to deal with the different abilities of the students and the disabilities of the students. Sometimes the teacher has to do more than just teaching in the classroom that is going with students to field trips, supervise study halls, help in organizing school functions, and act as a supervisor in extra curricular activities. There is a possibility that a teacher while teaching might use a combination of some of these 13 ways. Though a combination might not necessary be more effective but in most of the cases it is. Another way a teacher can teach is by implementing every method not in the same class but in different sessions, meaning that in one session the teacher uses Lecture accompanied by a discussion and in his next session in the same class he can use Case Studies. As said before a combination would be more effective I will use a combination of method 2, 8 and 13. ... Another way a teacher can teach is by implementing every method not in the same class but in different sessions, meaning that in one session the teacher uses Lecture accompanied by a discussion and in his next session in the same class he can use Case Studies. As said before a combination would be more effective I will use a combination of method 2, 8 and 13. That is using Lectures accompanied by a discussion including feed back sessions and Presentation to explain things in a much a better way. Selected Teaching Method I choose these three methods due to a couple of reason. The first being that a lecture might be boring but in fact an effective listener can understand a concept much better when things are explained to him with examples during a lecture. Apart from this he can make notes while a lecture is being delivered, this helps a student in revising the matter he studied in the classroom. A discussion after the lecture makes sure in telling the teacher that how much the students learnt and what part was difficult for them. Feed back sessions not only tell the teacher how much the student has learnt but also help a student in realizing how well he or she is doing in a subject and what amount of effort he needs to put in the future. Presentations help a student in noting down important concepts of the course. Apart from this presentations help in teaching as it is said computer aided teaching has always been handy for a teacher as well as the student. Now I will discuss the advantages of these teaching methods and how must a teacher prepare for these methods. Lecture with Discussion This method makes sure that the students are involved in what is going on in the class, students can also raise questions and queries on things that they don't

Friday, August 23, 2019

How Most Parents in the United Arab Emirates Select Baby's Name Essay

How Most Parents in the United Arab Emirates Select Baby's Name - Essay Example When it comes to the naming of children according to character, most parents in the United Arab Emirates tend to pick soothing lively names that would go a long way in motivating their children. Such names include A’azz that is a male name meaning a person who is mighty and strong. Another female Arabic name is A‘ishah, which means a woman who is lively and superior (Al, 2001). Normally, parents in the UAE select such names in order to influence their children’s behavior and character. As far as the naming of children after famous businesspeople is concerned, it is important to note that many children have been named after Sunil  Baby, who is a renowned Financial Controller at IAL Container Line (UK) Ltd (Gulfnews, 2014). Although many trendy names are available in the modern era, the conservative United Arab Emirates strongly prohibits the adoption of such names especially western names that are considered foreign and ‘dirty’. It means that parents in the United Arab Emirates have to pick only from the available options, as going against the Arabian culture is considered a taboo. Additionally, the culture of naming children in the United Arab Emirates highly prohibits interchanging names in either gender. Therefore, parents in the country are only supposed to give their males children male Arabian names and the female children should also bear female Arabic names. Contrary names could attract disciplinary actions according to the Islamic laws (Al, 2001). Until recently, parents in the United Arab Emirates used to name their children after the prince and names that depicted the prophets but Saudi Arabia has banned over fifty names and the effect that is soon spiraling in the United Arab Emirates due to the similarity in cultures.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Stem Cell Research - The field of stem cell research Essay

Stem Cell Research - The field of stem cell research - Essay Example Many of the signals required to induce formation of specialized adult cells must be present in these tumors, but unlike embryos, tumors generate adult cell types in a hopelessly undirected manner. If a developing embryo is not to end up a mass of disorganized tissues, it must do more than generate adult cell types. Embryos must orchestrate and choreograph an elaborate stage production that gives rise to a functional organism. They must direct intricate cell movements that bring together populations of cells only to separate them again, mold and shape organs through the birth of some cells and the death of others, and build ever more elaborate interacting systems while destroying others that serve only transient, embryonic functions. Throughout the ceaseless building, moving, and remodeling of embryonic development, new cells with unique characteristics are constantly being generated and integrated into the overall structure of the developing embryo. Science has only the most rudimentary understanding of the nature of the blueprint that orders embryonic development. Yet, recent research has begun to illuminate both how specific adult cells are made as well as the central role of stem cells in this process. The term "stem cell" is a general one for any cell that has the ability to divide, generating two progeny (or "daughter cells"), one of which is destined to become something new and one of which replaces the original stem cell. In this sense, the term "stem" identifies these cells as the source or origin of other, more specialized cells. There are many stem cell populations in the body at different stages of development. For example, all of the cells of the brain arise from a neural stem cell population in which each cell produces one brain cell and another copy of itself every time it divides. The very earliest stem cells, the immediate descendants of the fertilized egg, are termed embryonic stem cells, to distinguish them from populations that arise later and can be found in specific tissues (such as neural stem cells). These early embryonic stem cells give rise to all the tissues in the body, and are therefore considered "totipotent" or capable of generating all things. Review of the Research While the existence of early embryonic stem cells has been appreciated for some time, the potential medical applications of these cells have only recently become apparent. More than a dozen years ago, scientists discovered that if the normal connections between the early cellular progeny of the fertilized egg were disrupted, the cells would fall apart into a single cell suspension that could be maintained in culture. These dissociated cells (or embryonic stem cell "lines") continue to divide indefinitely in culture. A single stem cell line can produce enormous numbers of cells very rapidly. For example, one small flask of cells that is maximally expanded will generate a quantity of stem cells roughly equivalent in weight to the entire human population of the earth in less than sixty days. Yet despite their rapid proliferation, embryonic stem cells in culture lose the coordinated activity that distinguishes embryonic development from the growth of a teratoma. In fact,

Essay Midterm Essay Example for Free

Essay Midterm Essay 1)The subfields of anthropology seem quite diverse in their specific subjects and methods. Why, then, are they all considered parts of the single discipline of anthropology? What ties them together? Anthropology is an extensive discipline. It is so broad it had to be split into four subfields; Archeology, Biological (Physical), Cultural, and Linguistic anthropology. The definition of anthropology is â€Å"the holistic, scientific study of human kind† (Park, 2014). Parks (2014) states, every anthropologist wants to know why we have a tendency as humans to behave as we do, change constantly, have different cultural behaviors and the ability to constantly evolve. Anthropology answers these questions from the different subfields. â€Å"Archaeology examines our past ways of life through the interpretation of material culture, organic remains, written records, and oral traditions, Biological Anthropology deals with the evolution of the human body, mind and behavior as inferred through study of fossils and comparisons with behavior and anatomy of other primate species, Cultural Anthropology explores the diversity of existing human ways of life, how they work, how they change, and how they interrelate in the modern world and Linguistic Anthropology examines the structure and diversity of language and related human communication systems† (Sanoma State University, 2014). Even though the subfields seem quite diverse they do have similarities that tie them together. According to the American Anthropology Association (2014), â€Å"each subfield applies theories, employs systematic research methodologies, formulates and tests hypotheses, and develops extensive sets of data.† References Anthropology: exploring the human in all of us. (December 12, 2012). American Anthropological Association. Retrieved from Parks, (2014) Introducing Anthropology an Integrated Approach (6th ed), McGraw Hill education Sonoma State University, (March 5, 2014). Anthropology consist of four (some would say five) subfields. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Nestle Internal Documents Management Essay

The Nestle Internal Documents Management Essay The research process followed in this study is outlined in Figure 1, it began with a review of the literature related to BPM and BPIs with a particular focus on researches that tackled Innovation and particularly Packaging Innovation in Food Industry. The literature review revealed a significant gap with regard to both the integration aspect of BPM and BPIs and the application of this integrated framework in the specific field of Packaging Innovation which led to formulate the RQ. In order to identify and describe the impact of the proposed framework on the Packaging Innovation Process a Case Study methodology has been adopted as a research strategy. This is because it is considered suitable to address the research question: How and why an integrated framework of Business Process Management and Business Process Improvement could improve the Performance of Packaging Innovation Process of a multinational company? This is also in accordance with Yin (2009, Loc 453) who confirms that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦how and Why questions are more explanatory and likely to lead to the use of case the preferred research method. Furthermore, the focus on the contemporary events of Packaging Innovation Process in its real-life context and not requiring the control of behavioural events were additional reasons for choosing the case study method (Yin, 1981; Yin 2009, Loc 310). All the 3 conditions highlighted by Yin (2009, Loc 310) are met in order to adopt the case study as the most appropriate method. Once again Yin (2009, Loc 310) argues clearly à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ case studies are the preferred method when how or why questions are being posed, the investigator has little control over events and focus is on a contemporary phenomenon within a real-life context. Case study design An embedded single case study design has been selected in this research. According to Yin (2009, Loc 740) there are four major types of case study designs. Placed in a 2ÃÆ'-2 matrix these relevant designs are: single case versus multiple case designs, then holistic with a single unit of analysis against embedded covering a multiple units of analysis. The aim for selecting an embedded single case design is to investigate a representative or typical case in order to capture the circumstances and conditions of an everyday or commonplace situation (Yin, 2009, Loc 1205). Embedded designs (multiple units of analysis) often add significant opportunities for extensive analysis, enhancing the insights into the single case (Yin, 2009, Loc 1215). Accordingly, this embedded single case is about packaging innovation process improvement in the context Business Process Management and Improvement and specifically the integration of both BPM and BPI disciplines. This involves as well several units of analysis which consist in baseline events and validation through an innovation project. In the baseline events one main illustrative project has been reviewed in order to understand the critical reasons that make a packaging innovation project fail. Then in order to assess the impact of a poorly designed packaging on the operation, twelve factories across Europe and Asia have been visited through a waste Audit methodology (Muda Hunt).The twelve factories have been chosen as subunits for this investigation because they were widely spread geographically across Europe and Asia and were using different packaging materials and technologies for various product categories. With this case study design, the emphasis is global touching the packaging innovation process and not on individual factories or on a specific packaging material or a product category. Yin (2009) stresses that a major drawback in an embedded single case is focusing only on the subunit level for example the individual factories and failing to return to the larger unit of analysis in this case the packaging innovation process improvement. On the other hand, a single case study has limitations in particular to its rigor of research and in relation to the scientific generalization of the findings and conclusions (Yin, 2009, Loc 554). Nevertheless, single case studies permit a precise analysis of cotemporary evidence in context and are generalisable to theoretical propositions (Yin 2009, Loc 573). Finally the systematic adoption of embedded case study as a research methodology using three unit of analysis gives more rigor as well, Furthermore, the validation of the proposed framework though a real packaging innovation project (Embedded unit of analysis # 3) enhances the quality output of the research and confirms its managerial implications. Data collection The data were primarily collected at Nestlà © Head Office, RD centres and affiliate markets and factories. Worldwide leader in Food and Wellbeing industries, Nestlà © uses a wide range of more than 177000 packaging materials and more than 66000 different packaging specifications in 450 production sites across the globe. Moreover, Nestlà © is also interested in improving its Packaging Innovation Process and attracted by exploring the new integrated framework which combines both BPM and BPI. Therefore the access to Nestlà © internal data and employees has been made relatively easy. Using Nestlà © posed no research bias since it gives total independence and full autonomy to conduct the whole research in order to avoid any influence neither on the research process nor on the outcome. Thus, Nestlà ©s internal documents review and semi-structured interviews with a group of concerned employees have been used in this research to collect data. To complement the second-hand data, waste audits in twelve factories have been carried out combined with a visit and interviews of tree key suppliers. The use of multiple sources of evidence, combined with key informants who have reviewed draft case study reports, helped to establish construct validity (Yin, 2009, Loc 734, 1057). All data were stored in a process Map using the BPM software Nimbus Control in accordance with Yins (2009, Loc 734, 1057) recommendations for establishing reliability. Internal documents and interviews Nestle internal documents were the first source of data collection for this investigation. These include corporate documents (General Instructions, Policies, RD and business reports, best practices library) produced by process owners, functional departments or experts. The process owners have mapped processes and issued instructions on how to implement and execute their processes. Having access to Nestlà ©s internal documents and employees helped to rely on a vast amount of relevant data. For the baseline review of a major Packaging Innovation project, semi-structured face-to-face interviews were carried out with 37 stakeholders and 3 key suppliers involved in the development process. An interview lasts between 2 to 4 hours, with a flexible schedule, according to availability of the individuals invited. The semi-structured questions were defined following a clear Process flow and Project Phases: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Project Inception / Initiation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Project Brief Objectives à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Project Organisation Planning Development à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Project Execution, Management, Reporting and Steering Committee à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Packaging Design / Specification Quality à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Supplier Selection, Technical Qualification Approval Performance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Business Impact, Supply and Cost. Interviewees received a clear description with scope and objectives of the review as well as relevant questions before the interview. Participants were invited to comment on any phase with regard to their own experiences and learnings together with any recommendations they might have for improvement, as well as present copies of any relevant documentation that can support the review. The principle aim of the review and Gemba walk was to capture the learnings from all employees involved and who were encouraged to freely give any comments they might have related to the following questions: What happened? Why did it happen? How, and at what stage of the design / development phase of the project, could we have avoided these failures? How should we change our development / deployment approach as a result of these learnings? What went well? What did not go so well? What could have been improved? What could have been done differently? What Key Recommendations could you offer to improve the process in the future? All comments and feedbacks were grouped into a series of transcribed Notes following Miles and Huberman (1994) recommendation. The transcription is grouped by Function and Location with a summary of the inputs that were mapped in the BPM tool: Nimbus Control. This allowed an easier analysis and quicker understanding of the whole picture and piece together the complex interfaces between all entities involved in the Packaging Development Project called 24K. Field observations To collect first-hand data field observations were made using waste audits (Muda Hunt) approach in 12 factories across Europe and Asia. The concept of MUDA hunt is meant to provide awareness to obvious waste as well as none Value Added activities at the shop floor. The application of the Lean Six Sigma tools such as DMAIC methodology will help afterwards to reduce or eliminate the identified waste. Field observations in scope: Packaging areas of main production lines; Material flows in packaging areas; Packaging materials waste; Labour utilization, packaging material usage on the lines; Space utilization on the floors, storage inventory. Field observations Out of scope: Processing of raw materials; Production lines (mixing, moulding, ) The relevant filling and packing lines were selected for Muda Hunt if they are strategic to the Business and depending on their capacity utilisation, their Efficiency and Performance as well as their material waste level. All Mudas were mapped in a prioritisation matrix (see example below) depending on their impact High or Low and their effort to implement Easy or Hard. The proposals are then listed in tables as first priority in green colour and second priority in orange colour for actions planning. Limitations of Lean programs The origin of Lean goes back to the Toyota Production System which has been created more than 40 years ago. For R. Suri (Suri, 2010) a new ground cannot be forged by focusing only on refining and implementing 40-year-old approach. Based on studies with more than 200 companies during the last 15 years, he listed few limitations related to Lean. For Suri, Lean is designed originally for production system with relatively high-volumes. Organisations that are offering high variety or customised products could not see how to implement Lean principles. According to Atkinson (Atkinson, 2010), [] LEAN must grow with the culture and not be imposed upon it. The author highlighted that too much attention is focused on the technical aspect of Lean, rather than the ambition to build a real self-sustaining Lean culture. Atkinson has listed seven misconceptions regarding Lean; first, Lean is frequently considered as a toolbox of techniques and methods that are pushed down to the organisation, rather than pulled and tailored to it. Second, Lean is not a cost reduction exercise to remove unnecessary cost out. Third, Lean concepts often are not applicable to processes and functions beyond operations. Forth, Lean often doesnt impact the design and the innovation processes. Fifth, Lean is to frequently be sold, surrounded by all the exotic terminology, as Japanese approach for improvement. Sixth, Lean does not necessitate a culture of continuous improvement and finally Lean is less concerned by the culture change. In his research of the top reasons for the failure of the major Lean initiatives, Lucey focused on the other dimensions as leadership, employees engagement and communication. Atkinson on the other hand highlighted the importance of the organisational culture that decides the success of Lean or any other improvement initiative and demonstrated that applying lean principles and tools is certainly not enough to achieve business excellence. For Treat, organisations practicing BPM may apply common Business Process Improvements (BPI) initiatives for certain improvement; nevertheless the usage of these BPI tools does not mean that the organisation is devoted to the effective application of BPM. In the same context, Hammer underlined in his process audit framework the crucial importance of applying two defined groups of characteristics that are necessary for business processes to continuously improve and sustain. These characteristics as described in the first section of this research are ba sed beside process management, on people Leadership, culture, knowledge skills and behaviours. Hence its evidently crucial to compare BPM and BPI approaches not only according to the MEM but as well from the Management perspective looking at how these approaches tackled the issues of Leadership, Culture Change, Process Management, and Continuous Improvement. Leadership Management: This factor is related to the role of top leaders and their behaviour in driving the organization towards Performance and Continuous Improvement. This central role has been accepted by experts and researchers as one of the major success factors for reaching Business Performance. Management in general is more concerned about controlling, problem fixing and making short term results and Leadership is more about the ability of giving directions, developing a vision and setting strategies to achieve this vision (Kotter, 1993, Kotter, 1996). In few words, leaders foster change and transformation in the organisation. Engaging leaders and top Mangers is the key first step for a successful implementation of Process Business Excellence. Culture Change: The ultimate Culture Change objective is to drive performance across the whole organisation in order to exceed customer expectations and therefore to win in the market place. A robust culture would promote effective performance only when it contains values and norms that helps to engage people, manage the change and the shifting to a competitive environment (Atkinson, 2010; Kotter, 1993). Literature supports Kotter and states that this kind of culture will impact positively on the productivity and performance of the organisation. As an illustration, there is a clear parallel between people engagement and the sustainability of lean initiatives (Lucey et al., 2005). The research literature shows that engaged workforce can have a huge impact on growth, profitability and competitiveness (Lucey et al., 2005) therefore a measure and monitoring of this engagement is crucial for sustaining any continuous improvement process. Process Management: Businesses are driven by a multitude of various processes, but concentrating on the core and essential ones either in operation or beyond will improve the organisation Performance. Core Processes have to be continually reviewed, measured and improved and employees should focus on defining the perfect process, eliminating any unnecessary phases, challenging the lead times or the base costs. A Performing organisation is where processes are mapped, measured and improved for all core business activities. The development of a new business process is also one of the key activities affecting Business Performance and competitive abilities. The association between cause and effects, inputs and outputs of a process must be the guiding principles to applying BPI methodologies. Efforts and resources spent other than on managing processes and changing the culture to achieve strategic objectives is waste (Atkinson, 2010). Therefore getting the processes right first is a prerequisite for achieving Performance objectives. Finally processes have to be visualised and communicated in a way that each employee can see and understands the process. Visual systems should allow everyone to have the capability to answer the question, if everything is flowing the way it should be and if we are on time to customer demand? BPM helps to create a current state map of an existing flow, then develop and implement a future state based on BPI principles. Continuous Improvement (CI): As mentioned in the introduction, organisations make efforts to implement Business Process Improvement programs to improve operational performance and achieve Business Excellence. Some of them try to move from episodic process improvements to building and sustaining their ability to improve processes continually. BPI methods help these organisations to understand and implement the concept of Continuous Improvement. But according to Brad Power (Power, 2011), if an organisation tries to institutionalize continuous process improvement based on just one approach, it will run into trouble because no single method has all the elements for sustaining continuous process improvement. Therefore Power emphasises the fact that if organisations want to keep their processes up to date continually, they need to be able to use many approaches to embedding improvement in their management systems. TQM started applying first the principle of Demings cycle Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) to continuously improve the quality, achieve customer satisfaction and reduce costs. While Six Sigma supporters claim that if you train enough people (belts..) and you measure performance, you achieve the cultural transformation toward continuous improvement. According to Hammer, advises organisations to continually assess their processes against his model of process maturity (Hammer, 2007). He advised to put in place the governance and the infrastructure to track end-to-end process performance and finally install the right culture of process centricity and continuous improvement. On the other hand Lean approach aims to cascade strategic objectives into implications for process improvements to have people aligned behind the same direction. To ensure continuous improvement attitude Lean philosophy trust executives to act as coaches, helping people at the front-line to understand the importance of waste elimination and problem-solving. Power underline that the few companies who succeed in sustaining their process improvement have actually selected and used the best from each of BPM and BPI approaches to embed continuous improvement in their organisation. This fact supports further the need of streamlining BPM and BPI approaches and extract the essence of each methodology hence the relevance of this research. Combining BPM and BPI approaches Mandatory elements of a method (MEM) Before digging further into the integration of BPI and BPM approaches, its relevant to describe the MEM elements used by Zellner to evaluate the methodological degree of BPI approaches. In order to have continuity and the same benchmark system the MEM five mandatory elements (Zellner, 2011) has been used as well in this research. First element is the Procedure model that consists of defining the order of activities to be completed when deploying the approach. Second element refers to the Technique which supports an activity to generate specific results. Third element is the Results as such which the output produced by an activity. The element number four is defining the Roles of who is carrying out and responsible of an activity. Finally the fifth element is the so-called Information Model which involves the above-mentioned components and their interactions. According to Zellner a good systematic approach should embody all MEM at the best. By explaining how the MEM can support the act of improving a business process, Zellner underlines the need of a structure model that can define clearly hat to do step by step, which activity has to be performed and by who and which result is expected in an improvement project. The only thing that without referring explicitly to BPM, Zellner was describing the fundamental elements of BPM: Defining and mapping step by step the process, affecting to each activity a role and responsibility or more precisely a RACI matrix (who is Responsible and Accountable and who has to be consulted or informed). Then the inputs, outputs and instruction are defined. Finally the process map will be the Information Model described by Zellner to describe the relationship with all elements and represent the results. The following table summarises the main factors identi ¬Ã‚ ed from literature search based mainly on the findings of Zellner regarding BPI approaches taken and adapted in table # 1 and then completing these findings by integrating Lean, Six Sigma and BPM. The aim of this comparative study is to have a systematic and holistic approach to develop the mentioned integrated model with relevant constructs that will answer therefore research question RQ2. Lean and Six Sigma vs. BPM Lean and Six Sigma principles are now being applied to business processes. From one side Lean philosophy and Six Sigma techniques address performance improvement by reducing wastes and process variability while BPM provides the platform to implement this performance and to sustain it on an on-going basis across the whole organisation. With ERP system, most companies find it very difficult to implement Lean programs. This is because ERP systems have been focused around transactions and not processes (Nayak, 2007). Automated business processes are a complex set of system transactions requiring human and machine interfaces that make the changes difficult and time consuming. In this context BPM is an enabler for driving business process improvement in Lean and Six Sigma (Nayak, 2007). BPM tools provide the capability for monitoring, documenting, improving processes therefore are imperative for fulfilling the objectives of Lean principles. The following table benchmarks the key characteristics between BPM, Lean and Six Sigma. BPI BPM in Innovation Before concluding this literature review section and preparing the next chapter of the cross-case study on Innovation process, it is essential to review the literature regarding how BPI and BPM tackled specifically the innovation issue. Literature shows actually that BPI initiatives were focused mainly on operations where link to product, customers or consumers is obvious. The interest of operation management lay in production, material handling and wastes, cost efficiencies, planning, etc. and all activities related to things and logic but less with people, behaviours and interfaces. BPI beyond the operations is therefore quite novel and organisations have great opportunity for improving as well non-operational processes such as RD, HR, Finance or other Support and Management processes. With BPI and BPM, organisations have great opportunity for improving processes beyond operations. Much of waste in processes beyond operations is viewed as minor in nature and therefore ignored. Despite the impressive results that BPI techniques can achieve at operational level, many organisations failed to grasp its potential benefit for their processes beyond operations such as in RD, Management or Support processes. The difference between manufacturing and other areas beyond operations is that the employees introduce intrinsically variability into their activities. Therefore the challenges become quite different from those occurred in manufacturing environment. Conventional approaches to reduce waste: In order to eliminate or reduce wastes from processes beyond operations, companies can take the four typical actions, the first action is to reduce processing failures and activities that dont add any value to the customer; then to eliminate superfluous and inconsistent controls. The third action is to speed up the processes by decreasing lead times and complexity and final action is to ensure a constant effort on detecting perfections that customers really want. Innovation process is one of the core processes which are key facture for insuring sustainable growth and Profit. This process will be considered in this research in next Chapter of a cross-case Study. From the literature review and the research conducted by IBM Institute for Business Value in 2006 looked at number of companies that used BPI approaches as Lean-Six Sigma to improve performance and succeed broad-based innovations. Researchers from IBM identified four distinguishing elements of approaches that set some organisation apart from those keeping a traditional operational improvement mind-set. These characteristics are first having an innovation vision based on accurate customer and market insights, then a committed Leadership to permanent innovation; third having an alignment across the whole company and finally setting up organizational capabilities that made innovation a routine way of working. Gartner stated in 2010 regarding Innovation Process that a [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] successful innovation needs a disciplined management to transform novel ideas into business value and Innovation management requires a clear strategy, a business focus and a defined process model. According to Gartner, generation of revenue will increase and operational effectiveness will also improve if Companies succeed to manage properly their innovation programs. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS): Through DMAIC methodology organizations were able to make great improvements in reducing number of defects and therefore quality costs. However the quality level of Five Sigma (233 defects per million opportunities) is hard to exceed. The only way to improve further and achieve the ultimate level of Six Sigma is to redesign completely the process, product or service using Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) methodology (Antony 2002). According to Antony DFSS is a powerful approach to designing products, services and processes in a cost effective way to meet customer expectations. The aim of DFSS is not to substitute the NPDI (New Product Development and Introduction) process but to make it more robust, cost effective and capable to achieve high performance in meeting customer expectations (Antony 2002). Antony listed several benefits that could be gained by adopting DFSS: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reduced time to market for new products development or renovations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reduced products life cycle costs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Better understanding of Customers needs and expectations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reduced number of design changes and hence prototypes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Enhanced quality and reliability à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Improved ability to manage risks in designing products services or processesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Methodology and tools of DFSS The methodological process of DFSS starts with Customers needs as an input and ends with high quality products, services or robust processes as an output. One popular DFSS methodology is the DMADV. It remains the number of characters and stages, and the general feeling the same as in the DMAIC acronym. The five phases of DMADV are defined as follows: Define the project goals and customer requirements (internal and external), Measure and determine customer needs and specifications, Analyze the process options to meet customer needs. Design the process to achieve customer needs. Verify the design performance and ability to meet customer needs. Another methodology of DFSS named IDOV is a known design approach especially in the manufacturing sector. The abbreviation is defined as IDOV: Identify customer needs and specifications (CTQs), Design to translate the customer CTQs into functional requirements and alternative solutions. A selection process selects the list of solutions to the best solution, Optimize uses advanced statistical tools to predict and model the performance or calculate and optimize the design or performance and Validate to confirm means and ensure that the design which is developed reaches the customer CTQs. Lean product development LPD or Lean Design as the name indicates, draws on ideas from Lean Production as described above in chapter Background of Business Process Improvement which condensed Lean thinking into five principles: specify value, identify the value stream, make the value flow, create pull in the process and pursue perfection. Although lean production can be described at various levels, Shah et al. (2008) argue that the dominant view rests on a set of practices and tools used in eliminating waste. They also present the four main features of lean production as being quality management, pull production, preventive maintenance and human resource management. In the early stages of lean thinking, the focus was on the area of production. An exception, although not using the LPD label, is Kennard (1991), who uses six characteristics to summarise the Japanese approach to product development processes: information-intense, continual learning, constant customer contact, phases overlap, adaptability and spe ed/accuracy in execution. Another early describer of Japanese product development efforts is Funk (1993), who emphasised multifunctional problem-solving, close relationship with customers and suppliers, incremental improvement and learning. Karlsson and Ahlstrom (1996) specified later on the applicability of the Lean principles in product development by defining LPD as follows: Lean product development comprises numerous interrelated techniques, including supplier involvement, cross-functional teams, concurrent engineering, integration of various functional aspects of each project, the use of a heavyweight team structure, and strategic management of each development project. Another aspect associated with LPD is that the leaner way of working will eventually speed up the development process. However, as advocated by Crawford (1992) accelerated product development is associated with risks such as trivial innovations driving out break-through innovations and mistakes happening when skipping steps that did provide necessary information. Finally, Yang and Cai (2009) point out that LPD does not directly support the issues of quality, reliability and robustness in the product design. Combining BPM, DFSS and LPD The main potential seen in merging BPM, DFSS and LPD is to achieve improvements in quality by reducing unwanted variation (as advocated in DFSS), while at the same time being able to increase flow and speed in the development processes (as focused in BPM and LPD) (Chang and Su, 2007; Jugulum and Samuel, 2008). As summarised by Yang and Cai (2009, p. 97) DFSS improves product value and product quality, whereas LPD improves product development lead time, efficiency, flexibility and product development cost. BPM will provide the right platform to map, enhance and manage the whole process. One challenge pointed out by Jugulum and Samuel (2008) is the differences in implementation of Six Sigma initiatives and lean. The latter being broad in focus (looking at end-to-end processes and launching improvement events therein) while Six Sigma works with in-depth projects focusing on a small improvement area within a process. To some extent the integrated approaches proposed appear to be rather standard DFSS approaches with the addition of LPD tools. In contrast, authors like Karlsson and Ahlstrom (1996), Haque and James-Moore (2004) and Morgan and Liker (2006) emphasise the importance of viewing LPD as a system rather than as a set of tools, which impacts working methods throughout the organisation, such as seeking supplier involvement and cross-functional integration. BPM, LPD and DFSS have different focuses, such as improvement, innov

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Set Of Principles Of Right Conduct Theology Religion Essay

Set Of Principles Of Right Conduct Theology Religion Essay It is important to us human know the set of principles of right conduct. The meaning of ethic commonly used now day. It includes study of universal values such as the essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, concern for health and safety and, increasingly, also for the natural environment. The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person with ethics. It is also about the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession. Ethics generally defined as the principles of morally acceptable conduct of individuals. Ethics also means an individuals personal belief about right and wrong behaviours. In the essence of ethics, there some implications warrant additional consideration. There are ethics in individual defined. People have ethic in an organizations and what constitutes ethical behavior can vary from one person to another. Ethics also is relative and it is not absolute. This means that although what ethical behavior is in the eye of the beholder, it usually conforms to generally acceptable social form. The factors that form individual ethics are in family influences. Individual start to form their ethical standards since their childhood period in response to their perception of their parents behaviors. Besides that the peer influences also the factors that form individual ethics. When children enter school, they are influenced by peers with whom they interact every day. In this human condition related with each other, bound within them is the life experiences that can be one of the factors that form individual ethics. There is lots of important life events, activities, and communication, both positive and negative that shape peoples lives and influence their ethical beliefs and behaviors. All these events are part of growing up process that leads to maturity of human person. FAMILY INFLUENCES FACTOR In the beginning of person life, family influences are more affect our ethical. Since childhood period, our response to parents behaviors will leads to positive or negative side of our own attitude and individual ethics. Children are more likely to adopt high ethical standard if they see that their family member adhere to high standards such as being truthful and honest. If they receive rewards for conforming and punishment for not conforming to these standards there will affect individual ethics of their own. For example in my experience, family influence is the main factor of individual ethics in the time of my growing up life. Parents tend to shape their child to be successful person in future. Therefore, proper education must have to lead the way. My parents send me to various schools during primary school. Begin with my preschool at Chinese morning bell, study with almost majority different culture and background make my study start with happening and fun stuff. This early factor affects my individual ethics in culture diversity in school. To respect and respond toward surrounding environment in life of different culture. Family influence in positive way will lead us to be responsible and independent person in future. My families teach me various ways to make me more alert of surrounding environment. At home, discipline is important to shape a positive attitude toward older people. Parents strict at reasonable reason to teach me about respect and responsible. My family does play a major role in the way my behavior in society. As we grow, we learn many things from our family that are beneficial to our society. Almost everything that I learn as a child comes from parenthood and how I react with my parents. My parents went through the concepts of life, and they were exposed to society as a kid and an adult, which I learn as I get older as well. Our families, especially my parents, have a lot of wisdom about what goes on life, since they have already experienced many parts to it. They are the ones who can teach us what they have learned, and they can show us how we should act, feel, and think about our modern-day society. PEER INFLUENCE FACTOR While some people believe that family has the largest influence on young adults individual ethics, others feel that friends have more influence on young adults. I believe that friends provide a stronger influence on young adults rather than family because of the amount of time spent with friends, and the fact that peer pressure can be one of the strongest influences that a young adult will face. First, young adults spend a lot of time with their friends. Young children spend the majority of their time with family unless they are in school, which means family exerts the greatest amount of influence. However, as children enter their teenage years, they tend to spend most of their free time outside the house with their friends. Whether fighting against parental influence and control or just trying to make friends, teenagers spend a great deal of time interacting with their peers as they develop their own sense of morals and values. For example, once I entered high school I often spent time away from home studying with friends at their house. After studying we switch to science experiments, which usually involved competitions to see whose homemade rocket would fly the highest. While maybe an uncommon hobby, we found our parents often did not encourage us to explore our interests in science and became more influenced by each other rather than our respective families. Second, peer pressure can be one of the strongest influences that teenagers face. Most new experiences that young adults face are the end result of peer pressure. What one teenager thinks is cool is forced on to others in order to fit in. For example, the first cigarette I tried was due to the pressure of a classmate in high school. Later in university, the first disco party I tried was at the urging of classmate that discovered I had never been to the club to have fun. While parents also encourage their children it is usually for an entirely different reason, not wanting their children to embarrass them. Peer pressure also continues to be a major influence, even into adult life. In short, while family influences children the most, as children grow up and become young adults the strongest influences becomes their friends. Teenagers spend the majority of their time with friends, rather than family, so it is only natural that they are a stronger influence. Peer pressure also forces teenagers to try and fit in with their peers, an influence that is much stronger than family to form individual ethics. LIFE EXPERIENCE FACTOR Lots of important events, both positive and negative, shape peoples lives and influences their ethical beliefs and behavior. These events are a part of growing up and maturing. For example, people who steals something and does not get caught feel without any remorse and continue to steal. However, a person who is caught stealing may feel guilty enough to revise his ethical standards and not steal in the future. Ethical in live experience are not merely bound with each other, a yes or a no choice. Ethical decisions in life experience also are not simple choices between right and wrong. They are much more difficult to make when the person who make the decision is personally involved in the situation. The judgments are complex to balance between the feeling and social performances from the life experience. For example, all was well till I came across this teacher in my junior high. Since when I was young, my anticipation was to become a networking analysis, an engineer to be precise, I always got fascinated with the way engineers carried themselves and the driving force they had in them. Knowing the force to save lives and improve the health conditions of mankind was their major goal, I envied the engineers and I promised myself that before I joined my ancestors and forefathers I had to be one of the most prominent network engineers for a specific well to do firm. Thank to my brothers they had a friend who was a engineers whom I would accompany in a number of times to the his work place and spend a few times with him to see how he conducted his daily activities. I was even ready to defer from my studies if someone would give me an opportunity to work and run from him. But I knew that the road into becoming a renowned engineer was a rough one, it needed determination, patience and hard- work. As indicated earlier, everything was flowing smoothly and all those close to me knew that I had to achieve my goal in one way or the other. In my junior high secondary school, I attended a technical course symposium that was held in our state and all the students were requested to attend because it would shed some light on them. We had a number of professionals from almost all fields and walks of life and they took most of their time explaining what their careers involved and the number of challenges they are faced with daily. One of the professionals in the symposium was the IT Engineers. The first thing that came into me after my experience with him was to be like him. I was entrenched by the life history of this Engineer and the difficulties he had to undergo before he could finally succeed. Without the trust his family and friends had in him, he could not have reached where he was. Joining the high school that I joined was the greatest mistake I ever did in my life which I believe will haunt me to my grave. My junior high secondary school despite it being a well performing school, we lacked counseling sessions, and w e had no one to run to when we needed guidance, especially guidance that is related to career choice. Similarly, the environment we were presented with was not favorable, emphasis was put on science subjects while the art based subjects were disregarded, they were considered feminine. This is an experience that made me doubt the curriculum we were using if the administration considered other subjects to be more powerful than others. These whole life experiences make me more respond to surrounding environment. No doubt it affects my individual ethics through making decision on my own. To achieve goal we must gain lots of knowledge and information without giving up in life so easily. RULE OF LAW The law is a consistent set of universal rules established to govern societal behavior. These rules are widely published, generally accepted and usually enforced. The law as a possible basis for making managerial decisions when one is confronted with an individual ethics. The law also can be used as guide to moral choices. This is because when faced with a conflict between an organization such as school and working place. We should let the law decide, particularly in democratic society, where the argument can easily be made that the rules within the law represent the collective judgments made by member of the society. The rule of law specified a set of requirement which lawmaker must respect if they are to govern legally. Nevertheless, the rules of law restrict the illegal or extra legal use of power. When a society rules by law, there are clear rules articulating the behavior appropriate for citizens and officials. Such rules ideally determine the particular contours political relationship will take. When the requirements of the rule of law are respected, the political relationship between the legal system constitutively express the moral values of reciprocity and respect for autonomy. We should follow these collective judgments, instead of trying to establish our own moral opinions. For example, during my primary school time, I abide by the rule and moral value for not doing something against the law. Every student must know the basis of the rule of law during school period. These will make us more discipline and more responsible to others student in our school. Not to fight with each other, finish homework early and do not litter rubbish in school area. Teachers at school will guide us to follow a good moral choice that related to the rule of law. Rule of law truly serve to combine the personal moral standards of the majority of the population into universal legal requirements. The view that the law does represent collective moral judgment is certainly appealing. My secondary school period was crucial time for me. The time to choose what I am really gets into study. My family influences me a lot in making decision. They want me to be independent and responsible person for my better future living. Father always remind me, to be successful person, we must never give up. Hardworking is the key to success. When the time to study, be focus in what teachers share and teach so that we can learn and understand better. For me, hardworking is the hardest process to learn. Friends and peers influence really make my school life full of joy and fun. Study and knowledge at school left behind while enjoy is the most important part in my secondary school at that time. SUMMARISE Ethics is an individuals personal belief about right and wrong behaviors. Ethics refers to individual personal beliefs about right and wrong behavior. Individual ethics is shaped by a combination of factors such as influences of family these related to principles of morally acceptable conduct of individual ethic. Moral reasoning provides reasons and grounds for determining whether an action is morally right or wrong. Some theorists argue that there is one universal moral standard for everyone (moral absolutism), while others argue that no such standard exists (moral relativism). Some moralists hold that certain actions are wrong in themselves. Others believe that no action can be judged immoral in itself since circumstances and social conditions play the decisive role in determining whether or not a given action is right or wrong. From this ethics there are factors that form individual ethics. Family influence that is starting to form their ethical standards since their childhood period in response to their perception of their parents behaviors. The factor from peer influence that friends provide a stronger influence on young adults rather than family because of the amount of time spent with friends, and the fact that peer pressure can be one of the strongest influences that a young adult through youth life. Meanwhile, the life experience will shape peoples lives and influences their ethical beliefs and behavior. These events are a part of growing up and maturing. Base on my experience the law is a consistent set of universal rules established to govern social behavior. These rules generally accepted and usually enforced the law as a possible basis for making individual and managerial decisions when one is confronted with an individual ethics. The law also can be used as guide to moral choices. Society establi shed rules reflect the collective choices of members of that society regarding any decisions and actions that affect its welfare. Some changes in the norms, moral value of individual members of society are eventually reflected by changes in the rule of law. (2552 words)